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The Rollercoaster of Life: Emotional Ups and Downs

The idea that we need to be happy 24/7 is an unrealistic expectation for anyone. Different perspectives on happiness suggest that it can actually cause feelings of pressure or anxiety when our emotional state does not meet these expectations. Instead, taking the time to appreciate our emotions, whatever they may be, and finding joy, pleasure, and contentment in all life experiences can lead to lasting levels of happiness. It allows us to be content with life, knowing both happy and difficult moments will come and go.

By learning how to appreciate our emotions, we can begin to accept and embrace what life has given us. We can choose to respond differently in difficult situations and use the power of self-love and acceptance to push past any obstacles that may arise. This process allows us to create space within ourselves to grow and explore our potential, as well as create a deeper connection to ourselves and others.

“Instant illumination rarely happens.
Your tiny revelations will seep in stitch by stitch.
Rest the reaching.”

Victoria Erickson

During her adolescent years, Dr. Dori Fortunato developed an interest in complementary health approaches after watching family members suffer from chronic illnesses. With an unwavering dedication to understanding the body’s ability to heal, she earned her doctorate in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from the Pacific College of Health and Sciences, San Diego.

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